About Us
[Read this in Morgan Freeman’s voice]
Bruh, how bored are you to be actually reading this? If you came here out of curiosity then I am quite honoured, to say the least. Anyway, welcome to the brotherhood!
We are Bronoun - where our tees are as solid as your lies when you look your dad straight in the eye at 3 am and tell him “I haven’t been drinking.”
We're not just a brand; we're the voice in your head that says, "Go ahead, and make that controversial comment. What's the worst that could happen?" ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Started out in April 2024 by Sajjad Godhrawala, we are fully bootstrapped (because those losers at Axis Bank refused to fund our brilliant idea).
Once I (Sajjad) had enough experience in the clothing business under my belt (approx 7 years give or take) and the balls to actually take up something so intimidating as launching a business, I went back to my notes from 4 years ago and decided to give it a shot.
(Yes, that is me at my first job. Circa 2017.)
Just like Apple, Google, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), KKK, Adani Enterprises and all similar organisations usually have a mission statement, kindly note that Bronoun also has a purpose. (We actually do and it is not written by ChatGPT.) 🙌🏻
I started this company NOT because I wanted to make tons of money, buy expensive cars, blow cash on hookers and cocaine, travel the world, live in expensive houses.. actually, you know what, that’s exactly why I started this company. (◕ᴗ◕✿)

In all seriousness, have you ever been in a situation where you ask yourself, “That’s extremely dangerous, I really shouldn’t do it. However..”.
Well, hold that thought because that’s precisely why Bronoun exists - to make a community that celebrates men, all my bros. You!
We are a breed that does stupid shit loud and proud. Sure, I might break a leg but that is a far better outcome than breaking my back everyday for a job that I hate from the bottom of my soul. Everyday I wake up to ask myself very profound philosophical questions - "If I don’t dig the deepest hole on the beach then who else will?"
Here we are now and this is my miniscule attempt to preserve this guy culture and I aim to bring it to life using something I understand a little better - clothing and lifestyle products.
Bronoun will be my medium to introduce some of the most whack and ridiculous products this cursed land has seen. (Support us now to witness the absolute unhinged glory later.)
So join me in this journey of unapologetic self-expression because dude trust me, you’ve hit the jackpot!
Now go ahead and buy any fuckin t-shirt from the store because BUDDY, that Kawasaki ZX10R I want is not going to pay for itself. ;)
Why choose the name ‘Bronoun’?
The brand name went through too many iterations. Some so cringe that I feel ashamed of even saying them out loud.
After scribbling jargon on my whiteboard, talking to a dozen jobless dudes in my phonebook, slamming the keyboard with pointless ChatGPT prompts, there I was in my room sitting blank by the window glaring at a distance as if some goddamn revelation is going to hit me.
And BAM, it did!
While aimlessly pondering, I recalled what was written on my Instagram bio and that’s when it clicked.. “BRONOUN”. Pronouns for bros. (You may clap now.)
I am a girl. Is Bronoun only made for guys?
I keep getting this question from everyone around me - my friends, strangers, customers, my cat, my therapist, and my answer remains the same. And that is, heck no!
“Bro” and “dude” are not a gender identity, they are a mindset. Don’t let those gender studies students fool you. Anyone can be a bro, including women. I know plenty of girls who are twice as bro than some guys I have known all my life.
So don’t shy away from this tribe and join right in. And if you do believe that you are twice as bro as some guys I have known (I know, I do) then prove it to yourself by purchasing twice as many products as guys. Go ahead, rub it in their face and show them who’s the boss!
That’s it, that’s the story. Now we go full throttle and see how high this baby can fly!